Remember the Wizard…

…in the movie, Wizard of Oz?  He was a leader hiding behind smoke and subwoofers.  Technology makes it easier to communicate to your employees but get out from behind the computer and communicate your vision!

Doreen Lorenzo, president of Frog Design, an innovation firm, said recently (NYT, Corner Office, 3/27/11,)  “I thought I was being communicative.  But they (the employees) want more, so I send out updates constantly.  I’ve added company wide phone calls.  I’ve added town hall meetings and then I make the rounds to all the studios.  And as I do, I just try to meet people one-on-one, because I found you learn so much that way.”

We all get tired of computers, recorded messages, and form letters.  We seek human interaction.   So be a little old fashioned.  Manage by walking around.  Go and chat with employees.  Join them in the lunchroom or the coffee hangout.  I once knew an impressive CEO of a major manufacturing company who worked in one of their plants one day a month.  He learned a lot and gained mutual respect between him and his employees.

Be transparent with forecasts, strategic plans, operating numbers, and sometimes salaries.  Employees will feel more included, enjoy higher morale, make better decisions, respond more openly, and will be more loyal to the company.

So don’t be seduced by the technology.  At some point you have to establish trust with human beings, employees as well suppliers, vendors, all your stakeholders.  Stay in touch with what’s real on the ground.  If you deliver, you’ll see the results.


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